Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Peer Mentoring and Support

A support and peer mentoring program for newly diagnosed breast and gynecologic cancer patients.

A diagnosis of breast or gynecologic cancer can seem overwhelming but we can help. Please know that you are not alone and that the Women Guiding Women: Cancer Support and Education program is available to lend one-to-one support. After diagnosis you enter into a partnership with your medical team and design your individual treatment plan. An integral part of this plan is your support system. Your family and friends can lend a great deal of needed comfort and encouragement. In addition, the Women Guiding Women program can provide a mentor who has had a similar experience as you to lend support and friendship.

One-to-One Peer Mentoring

Women Guiding Women peer mentors are specially trained to help newly diagnosed patients navigate their journey. Through their own experience, the mentors deliver knowledge, support, encouragement, and friendship. Since every woman has an individual treatment plan, we carefully match you with a peer mentor who has gone through a comparable experience. Because breast and gynecologic cancer affects the entire family, we match you with a breast cancer peer mentor or gynecologic cancer peer mentor who has dealt with similar concerns including partners, children, parents and friends.

Women who have participated in the Women Guiding Women say:

“I was totally overwhelmed by my diagnosis and was delighted to be so closely matched with a mentor who was my age and had a similar experience. She took away the fear that only a survivor could do.” – Suzi

“Sometimes, just to be able to say, I know what you are experiencing. I understand and I am here to listen to you is extremely important to a newly diagnosed woman. She knows that she is not alone and somebody else has traveled a similar path.” – Patti

Who is this program for?

All women who have been diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancer will benefit from this peer-support and mentoring program. The program is free of charge and available to any newly diagnosed breast cancer patient, regardless of where treatment is being received.

How does this program work?

After the newly diagnosed patient registers, a mentor is matched. The breast cancer peer mentor or gynecologic cancer mentor will answer questions, provide information and lend support over the phone. Mentors are available to meet with patients, visit during treatments and provide resources and information. Mentors begin to help patients from diagnosis, through treatment and on to recovery. The relationship will continue for the length of time that is needed for recovery. Many relationships continue into survivorship.

Who is eligible to become a breast or gynecologic cancer peer mentor?

If you are a breast or gynecologic cancer survivor who has been out of treatment for a year or more, you are eligible to train to become a Women Guiding Women: Cancer Support and Education mentor.

When is it time for support?

Women Guiding Women: Cancer Support and Education mentors help newly diagnosed patients navigate their journey through treatment and recovery. Having been there themselves, the mentors deliver knowledge, support, encouragement, and friendship. Since every woman has an individual treatment plan, we carefully match you with mentor who has gone through a comparable experience. And since breast and gynecologic cancer affects the entire family, we also select mentors who have a similar family background and life style.

For more information about becoming a Women Guiding Women: Cancer Support and Education mentor or to be matched with a mentor, please contact us at (562) 933-7815.