Couple with twin babies

Milestone sister-brother siblings Jada and Saif were born two minutes apart on January 7 to first-time parents Nadine Motaweh and Khalid Elbayoumy.

The Women’s Hospital at Saddleback Medical Center, which opened in 1988, offers personalized obstetrics care. It has been a national leader in childbirth, thanks to its highly regarded Perinatal Medicine Program and advanced Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for high-risk pregnancies and multiple births, and obstetricians at the hospital 24/7 to monitor deliveries.

Additionally, The Women’s Hospital at Saddleback Memorial has special expertise in lowering the number of C-sections and increasing the number of VBACs (vaginal births after having a C-section) and was recently recognized by California Department of Health Services and Smart Care California for surpassing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People 2020 goals to lower rate of C-sections for first-time cesarean deliveries. It also holds the distinction of being the first hospital in California decades ago to offer LDRP (labor, delivery, recovery and post-partum care) in one private suite—one of 39 private, family-friendly suites in The Women’s Hospital.

“This milestone is about more than the number of births,” says Marcia Manker, CEO of Saddleback Medical Center. “It demonstrates the commitment and excellence of our exceptional obstetricians, perinatologists, neonatologists, specially trained nurses and other extraordinary clinical and support staff in ensuring Orange County families have access to high quality, compassionate care throughout the pregnancy, delivery and following the birth of their babies.”

In sharing their experiences, Nadine Motaweh and Khalid Elbayoumy—married for three years—complimented the entire staff at The Women’s Hospital at Saddleback Medical Center.

“We can’t say enough about the care we received here at Saddleback,” they said. “The wonderful birth of our healthy twins, the ability to have our newborns Jada and Saif stay in Nadine’s room throughout our hospital stay and the tremendous support of all those who participated in our care means so much to our family.”