Movement Disorders Program at Long Beach Medical Center

The Movement Disorders Program, part of the MemorialCare Neuroscience Institute at Long Beach Medical Center, provides comprehensive and compassionate treatment and support for patients affected by Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.

Long Beach Medical Center is a leader in providing innovation and personalized care, including:

  • Treatment evaluations: Comprehensive patient evaluation for appropriate treatment
  • Clinical research trials: Access to the latest breakthrough clinical trials specifically developed for patients with Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging
  • Leading treatments, including Deep Brain Stimulation

Parkinson’s Wellness Program

Our Parkinson’s Wellness Program, specifically tailored to meet your unique needs, is based on evidence-based practices and principles of neuroplasticity and is provided under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist with specialized training in Parkinson’s and neurological rehabilitation.

This class is designed to meet the needs of patients who have completed their therapies with the Outpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic. Moderate-high level exercise interventions are designed to teach participants how to use high-effort movement activation, and provide strategies for bigger, better posture, balance, and everyday function. Speech interventions are designed to improve vocal clarity, build breath support for more audible speech, and build confidence in communication ability.

Group exercise will include PWR® Moves, gait and balance activities, yoga, Tai-Chi, power transfers, circuit training, voice, swallowing, memory strategies, and more.